Welcome to Sports Officials Assigning

Efficiently manage and assign sports officials for your organization

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Why Choose Sports Officials Assigning?

Flexible Assigning

Assignors can manually assign officials, use auto-assign, or let officials request games from a general pool.

Invoicing and Reporting

Generate invoices for assigning and officiating fees and create activity reports based on user roles.

Customization and Control

Organizations can create their own pools of officials, teams, arena locations, and game fees. Officials and teams can block each other and set travel restrictions.

What Our Users Say

"Sports Officials Assigning has streamlined our assigning process and made everything so much easier."

John Doe, Assignor

"The invoicing feature has been a game-changer for managing our officiating fees."

Jane Smith, Athletic Director

"I love being able to view my game assignments and communicate with my partners through the website."